Национальная контактная точка "Здравоохранение"

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President Vladimir Putin has signed Scientific and Technological Development Strategy of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order on the Scientific and Technological Development Strategy of the Russian Federation.
The Strategy sets out the goal and the main objectives of Russia’s scientific and technological development, the principles, priorities and main areas and measures for implementing the state policy in this sphere, as well as the expected results of the Strategy’s implementation, namely Russia’s sustainable, dynamic and balanced scientific and technological development in the long term.

European Comission published Summary of the Personalised Medicine Conference 2016 (1-2 June, Brussels)

The Personalised Medicine Conference 2016 attracted 600 participants on site and over 2000 online. The report addresses the broader policy perspective and challenges by showcasing both integrated healthcare models in Member States and business approaches which involve patients more directly in their healthcare.

Save the date! Info Day, Horizon 2020 - 'Health, demographic change and wellbeing' 8 July 2016, Brussels

With the principle of research for better health for all at its core, Horizon 2020's Societal Challenge 1 (SC1) related to Health Demographic Change and Wellbeing focuses on personalised health and care. Its updated Work Programme 2017 offers calls for proposals with an overall budget of about € 400 million.

This Info Day will help the participants:

eHealth week 2016

The eHealth Week 2016, the leading eHealth event in Europe, will be held in Amsterdam on 8-10 June 2016, organized by the European Commission, the Dutch Ministry of Health and the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union and HIMSS Europe.

Webinar on 3rd Parties in Horizon 2020

Fit for Health 2.0 is organising a webinar on 3rd February 2016.
This webinar is targeted to applicants as wells as project partners and coordinators of Horizon 2020 projects. Martin Baumgartner (NCP for legal and financial aspects in Austria) will lead through the rules and regulations for involvement of third parties in Horizon 2020 projects.
Participation to this webinar is free of charge but you need to preregister.
You can find further details and register via the following link:


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