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eHealth week 2016

The eHealth Week 2016, the leading eHealth event in Europe, will be held in Amsterdam on 8-10 June 2016, organized by the European Commission, the Dutch Ministry of Health and the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union and HIMSS Europe.

During eHealth Week 2016, over 2,000 international experts in IT and healthcare, public institutions, professional and patient organisations will be welcomed. Under the theme "You, at the heart of transition", eHealth Week 2016 will focus on the people who are changing the healthcare system, and the first step forward is to give patients the power. The focus of eHealth policies is shifting towards eHealth users, the people who are using eHealth are becoming increasingly involved in the discussion and being placed at the heart of eHealth policy-making.

As "supporting organization" The Health-NCP-Network will be presented at the "Speakers Corner" and open for discussions and answering questions.

You can find more information on the event in the following link: http://www.healthncp.net/news-events/ehealth-week-2016-amsterdam-nl. For information about registrations and the full programme click on the banner to be redirected to the eHealth Week 2016.

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