Национальная контактная точка "Здравоохранение"

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Патогенез аритмий сердца 2015

Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms 2015

The 2015 Gordon Research Conference on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms will provide a forum in which cutting edge concepts and new observations on mechanisms and treatment of complex cardiac rhythm disturbances are discussed, at levels of integration ranging from molecule to the patient. The meeting will focus on key scientific discoveries, relevant to both basic science and the clinic, emphasizing multi-disciplinary approaches to integrating the latest (and, to a large extent, unpublished) advances in structural biology, genomics, proteomics, stem cell research, cellular and tissue electrophysiology, high-resolution electro-mechanical mapping, and computational modeling to study of the hetero-cellular nature of cardiac arrhythmogenesis and anti-arrhythmic therapy.

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