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First Russian Society of Urology and European Association of Urology Joint Congress

Annually the Congress unites the urological community and serves as a platform for discussions on the most crucial issues of this professional field concerning undergraduate and postgraduate education of urology specialists, clinical recommendations and standards for rendering specialized urological aid, integration into the international community, and distribution of information on challenging urological diseases, their early treatment and preventive care.

Heads of departments and clinics, young specialists, urologists working in practical healthcare as well as doctors of other specialties are invited to participate.

The scientific program of the XV Congress is especially remarkable and valuable for the above mentioned audience due to the fact that the upcoming agenda was designed in collaboration with the European Association of Urology. Long-standing cooperation of Russian Society of Urology (RSU) and European Association of Urology (EAU) has finally resulted in development of the joint Congress!

During the Congress many will find interesting and useful information about new technologies, achievements of domestic and foreign urology, multiple opportunities to share knowledge, expand the pool of professional acquaintances, and also participate in the best practical activities of the Russian-European school of Urology!

Traditionally, the Congress will host an exhibition displaying various products related to recent developments in the field of urology that were designed by reputable and long-established companies.

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