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Launch of Work Programme 2018-2020

The EU's Research and Innovation funding programme, was launched by the European Commission today.

Horizon 2020 is the largest multinational programme dedicated to research & innovation and it is "open to the world". This means that researchers, universities, research organisations, companies and non-governmental organisations from across the globe can apply to participate in the activities of the Work Programme carried out mainly through calls for proposals.

The calls of the Work Programme launched today represent a major investment of €30 billion and they offer an extraordinary occasion for the scientific community and innovators in third countries to tap on the opportunities offered by Horizon 2020 working together with counterparts from the EU and countries associated to Horizon 2020 in areas of mutual interest.

In addition to this general opening, in this Work Programme, international cooperation in research and innovation has been strengthened through the inclusion of a list of 30 flagship initiatives with specific countries in areas of mutual benefit worth over €1billion.

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