ERA.Net RUS Plus initiative is looking for experienced scientists and researchers, who are interested in supporting the peer review of applications to be submitted in response to the ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017.
ERA.Net RUS Plus is an FP7 initiative aiming at promoting a unified European approach to collaborating with Russia in the fields of innovation and science & technology research.
Within the ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017, a Joint Call for 'S&T projects' has just been published, a Joint Call for 'Innovation projects' is scheduled to open in summer 2017.
Required Skills
In order to serve as evaluator in the call, you must have proven experience in one or more of the following areas or activities:
- Management or evaluation of S&T projects;
- International cooperation in science and technology; development of human resources;
- Publication(s) with international co-authorship included in WOS or SCOPUS;
- Technology transfer and innovation.
Appropriate skill in the usage of the English language is mandatory.
Knowledge of and experience in European-Russian research collaboration is considered an advantage towards selection as evaluator.
Evaluation Framework
The tentative period for the evaluation of proposals is August – September 2017 (S&T) and October – November 2017 (Innovation).
Proposals will be in English language and about 25 pages long (Proposals). We offer a remuneration of 50 € for each evaluation.
Selected peer reviewers will receive access to an online evaluation system and to the respective documents. Evaluation will be conducted remotely, with no subsequent physical peer reviewers meeting.
For more information please follow the link: