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Webinar on Innovative Medicines Initiative 2

The webinar will be provided by the IMI2 Programme Office and will give you the opportunity to gain a deeper insight into IMI2’s Call procedures and its specific rules for participation under Horizon 2020, IMI2’s support to NCPs in promoting the Calls, and provide you with the latest news on the upcoming Calls for proposals in 2015 (enclosed the agenda).

After the individual presentations by staff from the IMI Programme Office and the chair of the IMI2 States Representative Group, there will be time for discussion and the opportunity to exchange views within the Network as well as with the IMI2 Programme Office based on your individual experiences with IMI2 applications in your countries.

If you would like to participate in the IMI2 webinar, please register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/237250788855876097

The total running time of the webinar will be approximately two hours.

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